A Personalized, Virtual Health & Fitness Solution

Primor Fitness is Leading Fitness - Leading you to the next level of your health and fitness journey!

Let Primor Take the Lead

There is so much more to personal fitness than just pumping iron at the gym! Primor Fitness provides you with a turn-key virtual personal training solution with personalized guidance, motivation, and uplifting encouragement to help you live your best life — today!

We offer employer-sponsored and direct-to-consumer programs that provide you with all that is needed to initiate, develop, and maintain a personal fitness regimen that delivers results!

We offer programs that meet the needs of every member. We will identify your barriers and find your motivations for self-care and improvement. Through our easy-to-use on-demand mobile app experience, we’ll lead you step-by-step to make sure you successfully achieve your fitness and nutrition goals!


Start Your Journey with Us Today!

Motivation, not Intimidation!


Start Simple.

The Primor model allows you to start simple, with on-demand training techniques that you can do from home to build up to more advanced efforts facilitated at a gym or fitness training facility!

Your Daily Motivation.

Our mobile app experience for personal training is designed to be your personalized source of daily motivation… always leading you through the steps that will ensure you reach your fitness goals!

What People Are Saying

Utilizing the Primor Fitness app has been a great assistance in my fitness journey. Not only has it been helpful in guiding me through workout options it has also given me confidence when doing strength training at the gym. The Avatar demos show me exactly what to do to ensure I do each exercise correctly. 

I can use the app at home or at the gym and it provides built-in guidance, accountability, and motivation. You truly feel a sense of accomplishment after each workout.

The fees are reasonable and affordable especially considering all of the options it provides. This app has been the most successful tool I’ve used to assist me in working towards my fitness goals. 


A simple-to-use yet highly sophisticated application that works well for everyone from the highly trained professional athlete to a retired elder female (like my 64 year-old self). 😊

With advanced age, weight loss and fitness become more difficult and even more vital to health than ever before. I have tried EVERYTHING with no success!!

With the Primor Fitness App I am able to easily navigate through my own customized physical workout needs and interests. The focus of this app gives me a more professional and efficient workout saving time and stress. I have lost weight, reduced anxiety, strengthened muscle, enhanced my fat burn and boosted my energy levels naturally.

Thank you Primor Fitness, I am finding my strength and getting in the best shape of my life!!


The Primor Fitness app has been a great way to improve my health and fitness. It is easy to use and provides great guidance, accountability, and motivation.

There are so many workout options in this app, as well as the option to have personal workout plans designed just for me, starting at my current fitness level and progressing from there. 

This has provided a great alternative to paying for expensive personal training services, with increased flexibility.


“Deb was such an amazing trainer, one of the best I’ve ever had! She is so personable and her cheerfulness always made the training go quicker! She helps you achieve the results best fit for your body. Deb continuously motivated me, challenged me, and pushed me to go beyond my limits giving me a lifestyle were I felt the best physically, mentally, and emotionally! Thank you Deb for being the best!”



“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” - Henry Ford

Let Primor Fitness lead you to new action and a new you…